Category Archives: BADCO News

2000: BADCO First Meeting

BY: Ronnie Ross

BADCO set its first meeting at the Table Steaks pool hall by Sloans Lake and we had nine members attend. One of which became a member that night, thank you J.B.C. for the show of support.
We discussed how BADCO got started, the primary goals of BADCO and how the goals have changed. The main topics were how best to pay for the baskets and how to run our tournaments better so it was fair and priced fairly for all who play.

The members decided that one third of the field will be paid out and prizes will include discs, disc bags and shirts only, no more frills. You get what you pay for. This was a direct result of many rumored complaints (too bad these people couldnt come to us with their concerns).

We appointed an advisory board to help with the dos and donts of disc golf. Rod Baca is the head of the board which includes Mike Livingston, Mark Hiss, Spike Walker and Jason Rosenbaum.

BADCO hosted a tournament for members only to determine which members will represent us at Beulah Cup 2025. The winning players will have their entry fees paid by BADCO. Good luck, play hard and do yourself and us proud! A point system will be used to choose next years Beulah Cup Challenge team.

Remember, if you dont like the way were running things the best way to bring change is to join the club and attend the meetings.

2000: Young Outlaws Wanted

BY: Ronnie Ross

Kids and disc golf were made for each other. Golf teaches kids many of lifes lessons such as courtesy, patience, and the fact that you dont always get what you want.

But if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need! BADCO is dedicated to getting as many kids involved as possible. We took the first step by making all BADCO tournaments free for juniors. This was accomplished with the help of BC Surf & Sport supplying all junior prizes. The next step is to get as many current tournament players to bring a kid to the next tourney. Or just bring them out for a round of golf, once they play, theyll be hooked. Maybe if they are busy playing golf they will be too busy to join a gang or pick up a gun. Last but not least golf should be a family event as well as a personal one!

2000: Tradition is born by way of a record setter

BY: Ronnie Ross

BADCO hosted its first tournament Record Setter July 24, 1999. Over half of the field of 31 players were new to the tournament scene. The winners posted scores that will remain in the bulletin board for as long as the park exists.

The 2025 Record Breaker was held July 29th and 30th with 35 players attending and setting new course records. There was a $20 players package (t-shirt and disc) and over $1700 in prizes were awarded. Every player received something. BADCO was in the black a whopping $11.00 which was deposited into the basket fund.

Thanks to the efforts of Tommie Kimbrell and Melanie Wilson providing two great lunches and tournament directors Mark and Fred Hiss for bringing out their computer and doing a great job. Also, thanks go out to all who showed up to play and support BADCO.