BADCO course management program

BADCO has committed itself to the growth of disc golf, and is also committed to seeing that the sport grows in a responsible way. The primary duties of BADCO is to:
1.Educate players about littering on courses and the affect of dog waste
2.Provide specific days where disc golfers can come out to their favorite course and help clean it.

3.Report all vandalism to proper authorities.
BADCO strongly recommends that existing disc golf courses have a maintenance program in place. The best is the management program that BADCO offers.

1.Westminster: Our job at White Hawk Disc Golf Course is a.) Eyes on park-watch for users abusing park rules such as trash, dogs off leash, Picking up after dog and vandalism. Our recourse is to notify police or dog Catchers. We are provided with direct line to said officer who responds on Our request.
b.)Move basket to alternate location every two months.
c.)Clean off tee pads of mud and snow.
d.)General clean up twice a year.
e.)Hold organized events such as doubles and tag play in order to give park users an organized event to participate in.
2.South Suburban: Our job at Badlands South Disc Golf Course is
a.) Eyes on park-watch for users abusing park rules such as trash, dogs off leash, picking up after dog and vandalism. Our recourse is to notify police or dogcatchers. We are provided with direct line to said officer who responds on our request.
b.) Clean off and level dirt tee pads.
c.) General clean up twice a year.
d.) Hold organized events such as doubles and tag play to give park users an Organized event to participate 3.Easter Seals: Our job at Thunder Mountain Disc Golf Course is
a.) This course is a private use course.
b.) General clean up, trim or remove fallen trees.
c.) We are responsible for raising money to pay for golf course so no money comes out of camp funds. To date we have purchased 27 basketsand have completed the course.( this course may expand to 36 or even 72 holes in the future)
d.) We also use the camp for our club picnic and fundraisers in May.
4.Hyland Hills: Our job at Badlands Disc Golf Course is:
a.) Eyes on park-watch for users abusing park rules such as trash, dogs off Leash, Picking up after dog and vandalism. Our recourse is to notify police Which we provided with a direct line to said officers who respond on our Request.
a.) Move baskets every two months.
b.) Clean off tee pads of mud and snow.
c.)General clean up twice a year.
d.) Hold organized events such as doubles, tag play and tournaments to give Park users an organized event to participate in.
e.) General reconstruction or design change. The baskets and signs are owned By the club in a joint effort to help keep down the cost for the park so our Authority goes a little deep here than in other parks.
5. Denver: Our job at Paco Sanchez Disc Golf Course is:
This course is still in the planning stage but soon to be installed and our job will be similar to other courses. We are not saying we have all the answers to all the problems that may come up on a disc golf course but, we are willing to work with you or anyone of authority to help solve the problems that may occur and make disc golf at your park/course safe and fun for all to enjoy.

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