Category Archives: BADCO News

2002: Golden High Tone Pole Course Installed

BY: Jeff Panis    Sunday, September 15, 2025

Tone poles are ringing in Golden, Colorado.

The first tone pole course in the Denver metro area has been installed at the Golden High School in Golden, Colorado. Spearheaded by Monty ‘Koz’ Kozlowitz, a teacher at Golden High, the course winds throughout the southern and western portions of the campus. Over the past month or so, Koz has spent his lunch hours and weekends with students crafting the course layout, installing tone poles and tee signs, arranging rocks and planting trees.

BADCO founders Ronnie Ross and Brett Marshall aided the installation by donating the tone poles for the course.

A group of BADCO members, led by Koz, had the pleasure of playing the course early on a Sunday morning. There were a variety of thoughts expressed about the course after a few rounds of play: 1) The man-made and natural objects throughout the course require accurate shots on every throw. 2) Wind is a factor and swirls in every direction. 3) Koz, who himself sought course approval from the school, managed the entire installation and design of the course and has spurred play by students and faculty, has done a great job with the course.

Go and play the new course and let BADCO know what you think. Get the Golden High course information in the Courses section of the BADCO website.

2002: Am World Champion!

BY: Jeff Panis

He left as one of two competitors representing Colorado and BADCO’s own Jay Burghardt returned from the 2025 PDGA World Amateur Championships in Miami, Florida as the Master Division Champion! Here’s more from JB:

So, how does it feel to be a world am champ?

(JB) Well, even though I had lead through a lot of the tourney, I never really felt I had it until the second to the last hole, Then a smile just came to my face and a total body relaxation came over me. And when the final two-foot putt fell, It felt spectacular!

How long have you been playing disc golf?

(JB) I first started playing “Frisbee golf” back in the late 70′s. I didn’t start using discs until about two years ago, when I started to play more regularly.

What’s the formula to your success?

(JB) I find there are a couple of things I try to always work on. First of all, I play one hole at a time. If I have a bad hole, I try and forget about it. Secondly, a couple of the players that I played against at the Worlds commented to me about my course management, how I didn’t take chances unless I needed to, making it very difficult for them to catch me once I got the lead. I play a fairly even keel game and rarely shoot more than a stroke or two over par, and rarely more than a couple of strokes under par for a round. I will take chances if I need to, but one very seldom needs to take the amount of chances that are usually taken. So I dont give back a lot of strokes from my own mistakes.

What do you feel is the strongest element of your game?

(JB) I think my mental approach is probably my strongest element. You have to know when to press and know when to calm down and watch the other players fall by the wayside. Although for this tournament my putting was on. I seldom missed a put under 25ft and it kept the pressure on everyone around me.

What’s your favorite disc and why?

(JB) I usually use the Discraft Z XS for my long drives/overhand/thumber/trick shots. I get a lot of work from it and with the Z- plastic I don’t have to replace it often. I have a new midrange I just started using and it got me an ace at the Worlds. The Storm. It flies very straight and long, especially for low tunnel shots, and I just love it. And for my putting, I use the Aviar for short puts, and the Aero for longer putts.

Do you have any special routine in preparation to tournaments?

(JB) Practice. I will play as much as I can before the tournament starts. Often I will play an entire 18 holes before it begins. This gets my entire game warmed up from putting, driving and getting out of trouble. This also gets my mind in a frame of making shots.

How do you plan to build on your success after becoming an am champion?

(JB) Well, I will now move on to the Pro Master division. I have set goals for myself already and hope to win an event by the end of the year. I know I still have a lot to learn and will continue to try and pickup new shots.

What’s your best advice to competitive disc golfers trying to achieve what you have done?

(JB) First, play your game. Don’t worry about what the next guy is doing (I know this is difficult because I struggle with it sometimes as well). Practice, Practice, Practice. I was playing 18 holes everyday, all year long, until the Worlds. I know everyone doesn’t have access like I do with Applewood disc golf course. But every chance you get, Practice. I play out in the street in front of my house. When I get the mail each night, I take a disc, and throw it at the mailbox. I throw at light poles, park benches. It is so important to keep your acquired skills sharp and playing once a week wont do it. Again, Practice.

What’s your favorite breakfast before a tournament?

(JB) No question here. I love the Denny’s Grand slam breakfast before a tourney. Two pancakes, (butter only), two sausage links, two bacon strips, two eggs (over medium) and a large glass of water. I had that five times while at the AmWorlds competition. I need all those carbs and calories to burn off during the round.

Any additional comments?

(JB) First of all, thanks to everyone who was checking my progress throughout the tourney. It is nice to know I had a bunch of people pulling for me 2025 miles away. It is time for me to move up. The whole AmWorlds experience was a blast. I know its a long time to be away, and to be honest, its a pricey week, but if you have a chance go do it. It is so much fun and meeting a lot of good players just made it that much more enjoyable. Thank you everyone.

2002: BADCO Assists Easter Seals on New Course

BY: Jeff Panis    Saturday, April 20, 2025

For more than 80 years, Easter Seals has helped people with disabilities in communities nationwide. BADCO members have been working with Easter Seals of Colorado on the installation of an 18 hole private disc golf course at their camp in Empire, Colorado.

On Saturday, Ronnie Ross, Brett Marshall, Tim Panis and Jeff Panis drove to the camp to work on the final layout of the course. For wheelchair players there will be a (minimum) 3-hole layout in the meadow of the camp that is accessible on asphalt paths. A more challenging 18-hole course will cover a small portion of the over 100 acres of the property.

On several visits, Ronnie and Brett have surveyed the available land with camp administrators and are close in establishing the final layout of the 18-hole course.

The course is private and for the use of the Easter Seals Camp members only. There may be opportunities in the future where BADCO will host club only events.

BADCO is working with local disc golf vendors to get equipment together for the course. Stay tuned to BADCO news for future updates of the course

2002: BADCO Hosts Curtis Park Youth Visit

BY: Jeff Panis     Saturday, March 30, 2025

BADCO Disc Golf Club welcomed a group of children and staff from the Curtis Park Community Center at the Badlands Disc Golf Course. The center is located on the corner of 29th and Curtis in Denver and is ‘dedicated to helping individuals in the Denver metro area gain self-sufficiency’.

BADCO founders Ronnie Ross and Brett Marshall instructed the group on the basic play of disc golf and each took a group to enjoy a round of play on a sunny spring day. Each visitor received a brochure about BADCO and the Badlands Disc Golf Course. See the photos at right.

2001: Where does the loot go?

BY: Ronnie Ross

Many people have asked me why BADCO tournaments are so expensive. My only reply is it costs money for everything we do. For instance, cement for the basket pin sleeves, locks for the baskets, inner chains for the baskets, t-shirts, trophies and course maintenance.

Thanks go out to all who participate in tournaments…they help to keep the course in good shape and provide for good tournament player packages and prizes. We at BADCO would hope that those who attend tournaments bring a friend! As more players attend tournaments, the fees will decrease and more course improvements can be made. Our goals for the future include:

-The operation of par 54 and 72 courses

-A stocked clubhouse/proshop

-Growth of the BADCO club

We encourage everyone to come out and play in the tournaments and join BADCO. If you are a member, encourage your friends and family to join…the more members we have the better our ability is to develop new courses and help the sport grow in and around Denver.

2001: Badlands Birth

BY: Ronnie Ross

Ronnie Ross began dropping off literature at Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District regarding disc golf shortly after BADCO was formed. Almost one year later Ronnie received a phone call from Hyland Hills asking what ‘this disc golf thing is about’. After a brief explanation, they asked BADCO to look at a park they had and we did the very next day.

We walked up to the pavillion, peered over the first hill and knew that had to be hole one. From there it took several weeks to walk the course time and time again to develop a good layout. After 20-30 revisions, we settled on the layout that exists today. The course layout included the placement of trees, benches, tee boxes and 57 basket positions.

2001: Badco Beginnings

BY: Ronnie Ross

Let’s begin by introducing the four outlaws that started BADCO Disc Golf Club. Then we’ll get to who, what, when and why.

BADCO Member #1 – Ronnie D. Ross ‘Thunderchief’ – President.

BADCO Member #2 – Brett O. Marshall ‘Chainz’ – Vice President.

BADCO Member #3 – DeSean Brown ’8-Ball’ – Head of Maintenance & Design.

BADCO Member #4 – Bill Askew ‘Weeds’ – Secretary

BADCO was founded on May 16, 1998 at World’s Biggest Ruby Hill. It was founded due to the lack of a club in Denver, to promote disc golf, and to encourage the development of future courses in the area.

From that point it’s been one adventure after another from designing and building our first disc golf course to hosting World’s Biggest 1999 and travelling to Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Wyoming.

BADCO would like to thank Hyland Hills Park & Recreation District for the use of the breathtaking park and all the hard work on the tees and greens. Also, thanks to Tom Lacrosse with BC Surf & Sport for all the junior prizes (without which there wouldn’t be a junior program), Bill Wright (The Wright Life) for helping procure the 18 baskets for the course, and Jason Rosenbaum for running Thursday doubles.

2000: Three Times Charmed

BY: Ronnie Ross

Congratulations to Rod Baca and Chauncey Donaldson for winning Sipapu Doubles three years in a row! Just in case you haven’t heard Chauncey is a former juniors champ now a local pro who hosted his first tournament at Badlands Jonnie Roberts Memorial 2025.
Rod Baca is also the Badlands course pro and one of the most amazing golfers I have ever met. Rod had suggested to us that he might want to start a disc golf clinic for anyone who would like to learn the tricks of the trade, you can bet I’ll be there! We look forward to watching Rod and Chauncey play in pro worlds and many of the local tournaments in the 2025 season and we wish them the best of luck. You go boys!

2000: A Bigger and Better 2025

BY: Ronnie Ross

With the new year comes a new attitude and goals. One of which is a brand new park. We are ready to approach Denver Parks and Recreation regarding Paco Sanchez Park near Mile High Stadium. The park has several elevation changes and a river winding from end to end.
A big thanks to Rod Baca, Jason Rosenbaum and Josh Morgan for coming out to play the park and the suggestions they provided. They will play a large part in designing the park. We’d like to thank Mike Livingston for putting all our stuff on his website and for the practice basket and many other things.

There was a meeting held with Denver Parks and Recreation and only one BADCO member, Mike Livingston, was able to attend. This leads me to believe Denver doesn’t have enough positive input from golfers or the general public. We would appreciate all letters in support of disc golf and disc golf courses in the Colorado region.

Address letters to BADCO 260 W. 80th Ave. Denver, CO 80221.

2000: Scoop Doggie Dog

Don’t get us wrong, we love dogs, cats and other fine animals! However, there are some issues we must address. One is the leash law in all parks across Colorado.
The chief of police plays tennis and has asked that this law be obeyed. There is also a lady who is a member of the city council who lives along the park edge. We would also like all dog owners to please pickup dog waste (I’d hate for your disc to land in your own dog’s pooh!). We hope this is not too much to ask. Remember we want all parks and recreation to be willing to work with us for new parks. But if we show people that we can’t obey the easiest of laws then why should they trust that we wouldn’t trash their park? Think about it image is everything. In closing, we just wanted to remind you that its not worth losing a great golf park over is it? Help us keep the park clean and legal and it will be here for a long time.